
nikaria panigyri

Documentary: The feasts (panigyria) on Ikaria

The documentary was financed by the Ministry of Culture and shot by Nicoletta Georgakopoulou on site in 2022. The festivals (panigyri) in Ikaria were and still are a basic expression of an isolated society in earlier times, they were and are a way of communication between its members and of course, the festivals of Ikaria were and should be connected […]

1ο Φεστιβάλ Ταινιών Μικρού Μήκους Ικαρίας

1st Ikaria Short Film Festival 2023

Brief review of the Ikaria Short Film Festival The Ikaria Short Film Festival was “born” in 2022, as an idea to highlight the rich cultural wealth of Ikaria but also a cultural influx of artistic ideas, themes and entertainment created in Greece by independent small productions. A content that is not found in the mainstream production media and cannot be […]

From the event about the life and work of A. POULIANOU

The event on the life and work of A. POULIANOS was held with great success on Thursday, October 20, 2022, in the “I. DRAKOPOULOU” room in the Central Building of the KAPODISTRIAN UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS (University). Speakers Haroula Kotsani, Iro Tsarna – Kochyla and Aikaterini Polymerou – Kamilaki impressed the audience with their presence and speech. You can see the […]