Documentary: The feasts (panigyria) on Ikaria

The documentary was financed by the Ministry of Culture and shot by Nicoletta Georgakopoulou on site in 2022.

The festivals (panigyri) in Ikaria were and still are a basic expression of an isolated society in earlier times, they were and are a way of communication between its members and of course, the festivals of Ikaria were and should be connected to the implementation of community projects.

Ikariaka Dromena – Festival of Ikaria present the documentary “Nikaria in the circle of the panigyri“, on the occasion of inclusion of the festivals of Ikaria in the National Index of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Greece.

Direction Editor: Nikoletta Georgakopoulou
Camera: Nikoletta Georgakopoulou, Dora Kochyla
Editing: Nicoletta Georgakopoulou

Vasilis Karnavas
Katerina Fatourou
Christodoulos Stavrinadis
Nikos Kochylas “Uga”
Irini Vardarou
Dimitris Lembesis

* English Subtitles are enabled.

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